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An international driving licenses issued by the Czech Republic do not authorize the holders to drive in the territory of the Czech Republic the Czech Republic’s international driving license is a supplementary document for the national driving license.

A applicant for an international driving license must hold a driving license and applications for an international driving license are processed by the relevant bodies according to permanent residency of the drivers registers of municipal authorities with extended powers.

For an international driving license applications must be filed in person at the relevant office of the municipal authority with extended powers or by authorized representatives.

By the application for an international driving license you need to attached the valid driving license with the proof of Identity card and identity card passport and one color photo or one black and white photo with the right dimensions of thirty five x forty five mm.

If the requirements for issuance of an international driving license are met the relevant office issues it without any delay usually while you wait for international driving license the international driving license should receive in person at the relevant department from the municipal authority office with extended powers.

For processing of an application the administrative fee of C Z K 50 based on the law.

Legal procedure of an application processing is stipulated in Act number 361/2000 Coll on road traffic and amendment to some Acts as amended the Vienna convention on road traffic 1968 Geneva convention on road Traffic 1949 decree number 31/2001 Coll on driving licenses and drivers register as amended.

There are types of international driving licenses are issued in the Czech Republic according to the conventions on road Traffic that is according to the Vienna convention and according to the Geneva Convention.

First type according to appendix 7 to the convention on road traffic Vienna 1968 valid for three years from the date of issue in the territory of all states that are signatories to the convention and then the second type according to appendix 10 to the convention on road traffic Geneva 1949 valid for one year from the date of issue in the territory of all the states that are signatories to the convention.

International driving licenses are not valid in the territory of the state where they were issued. If you are not travelling on your own vehicle you must have a written document to confirm that the owner car Abroad it is recommended to obtain the document in the language of that state to which you are travelling or at least in English language. While travelling abroad remember to use safety belts helmet and observe speed limits and follow the rules and regulations as stipulated.

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